Sunday 9 November 2008


if you were a snail, would you walk on my bare
and imbibe all the heat on the back of my neck ?
and oh, how beautiful i will feel
If you were a snail, would you hide me in the darkness
of your shell and shower me with your holy saliva ?
and all the significant waters of the world will turn tasteless
If you were a snail, would you give the honor to sit
and watch you little piece of meat and coiled shell
taking the whole of my presence ?
would you?, little snail, haunts me body and soul like
a demon?
Im a fallen angel, little snail, begged God to get expelled
so i can rest in your slavery
i love you little snail, you have no eyes
at least not ones that can see...


ella said...

i think u and i have some friends in common. hihi

Reina said...

hehe... ! i always loved snails :D

Anonymous said...

how can you write a so cool blog,i am watting your new post in the future!