Sunday 14 September 2008


Elderly Klamath woman photographed by Edward S. Curtis in 1924
i am only a widow
whose husband is still
on a bed of gravel, i layed
jilted, dead, white widow
and my spouse is alive
and i become the ure of
Reliability theory
whole of me is motionless
but my tears
bitterly fed by your
and each time my body
trembles of blackness
and nicotine
hoping to lose remembrance
i remember
that its a grace i was prevented
so i think of you
and the thought of you
makes me wet, the smell remains
relic in the locks of my hair
touching my mouth.. my lips.. my nose
half a human
tempted by nothing, enjoying this nothingness
and that claustrophobia you enticed me to
whole of me
inside of me, inside of that little dark small red place
called heart
pumping stones not blood
and it hurt
the ring in my middle finger
old and yellow, ugly yellowness
and i sank , i sank i sank and you
watching me sinking and sinking
just watching
I wonder, where is your conscience
then, i take a look only to find it
deep down in this ocean, next to me
laying scared, weak, quivering from cold.


Webradio said...

Bonjour Reina !

Elle est belle la photo. Le visage est très expressif. Bien le texte aussi...
Hello Reina !

It is beautiful the picture. The face is very expressive. Although the text as ...

Reina said...

bonjour webradio,

merci beaucoup pour votre opinion de mon texte et ma photo :)

ella said...

and this is for ur last comment on my latest post:
je ne suis pas malade
c'est juste le temps
ce sont des rides
qui viennent se poser
sur ma peau aussi top
aussitôt que les nuits passent
aussi tard que je suis
aussi monotone
que je m'ennuie
je ne suis pas malade
je suis seulement fatiguée
d'avoir chaque jour à jouer
d'avoir à porter mon rôle

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