Saturday 5 July 2008


...and sadness fell in love with me, death took me by his warm arms, and melodies offered me its melancholy smiles, my misery cause is someone i dont know.
its not my fault if sky is unreachable , its not my problem if the sun is a liar.
but it became.
please, i beg you, stop these voices and question marks in my mind...
or finish what you started, finish me.
why did you turn me into a woman
to later on,
throw me alone
leave me oustide
like a child.
i said all the love words which i know and which i dont.
i wrote you all the grief poems painted on my heart
at nights, with lot of tears, lot of wandering, lot of smoke and wine.
you will never read them or hear them, you're too far, and im too close, you're too cold, and im too warm, you're too blue, and im too rouge.
brunette with charming beauty, a dancer with breathtaking eyes,
a student of theater stirred the man in you,
and a woman who broke your heart.
closing his doors in front of me.
and i still pray hoping St Joseph would hear my prayers.

1 comment:

late lilac said...

someday, he'll know